Casio's official web site.
See Casio Music for info on Casio keyboards.
Casio Music Forums
Forums for Casio keyboards.
Casio Reviews - Synth Site
User reviews of Casio keyboards at Synth Site.
Casio Reviews - Harmony Central
User reviews of Casio keyboards at Harmony Central.
Casio Keyboards Group
Yahoo group for discussion on Casio keyboards.
Forums for keyboard related discussion including forums for Casio, Korg, Roland, Technics and Yamaha.
Now freeware Windows patch lib for over 17 synths including Casio CZ .
Synth Museum - Casio
The Casio room at Synth Museum featuring info and pictures.
Troubador's Casio Guitar Page
A very informative page discussing Casio midi guitars from
Troubador Tech.
CTK/WK Rhythm Player
Freeware software that lets you preview a CKF file on your Windows XP PC.
CZ Series Sysex
A MIDI data chart providing the MIDI messages that can be used with CZ series synths.
A Yahoo group for discussion on CZ and VZ series synths.
CZ101/1000 Editor
A Windows editor for the CZ-101 and CZ-1000 you can download.
CZ-1000 - Synthesizer Patches
A page with some CZ-1000 patches available for download.
CZ-1 - Karl Schmidt's Midi Software
Karl's original DOS software for Casio CZ synths. He also provides a fix for Win9x Unisyn users
that are having problems with CZ profiles.
DH Series - Ted Keys
Ted can repair and will buy broken DH series horns.
DH-100 Digital Horn Fingering
Fingering charts for the Casio DH-100 showing both the traditional recorder plus special Casio fingerings.
FZ-1 - Andreas' FZ-1 Page
Tools, tips and samples for the Casio FZ-1 sampler.
FZ-1 - Casiorama
Provides some technical information for the FZ-1 sampler.
FZ-1 - Noteit's FZ-1 Page
Archived website - NoteIt provided a very complete resource guide for the FZ-1 sampler with good technical information
as well as links to most resources and sounds available for it.
FZ1 Tools
FZ-Dump software for MSDOS supporting SoundBlaster Midi, and if you have the
FZ->PC adapter cable, high speed parallel port sample transfer.
MT-400V Group
Yahoo Group for discussion of the MT-400V plus other older Casio synths.
Music Machines Casio Page
Info, pics & resources
Links for the Privia PX-5s
SK-1 MIDI DIY Project
A DIY project to allow MIDI control of your Casi SK-1 sampler. Presented by the
Maximum Midi - C++ Toolkit web site.
STYTOCKF converter
Yamaha PSR style to CKF rhythm converter under development.
VL-1 Demos
Mp3 demo tracks of the VL-1 plus some background info.
VL-1 Emulator
Freeware PC VST-i plugin to emulate the VL-1. Also has a VL-1 manual available to download.
VL-1 - Maximum Cheesescore
Provides info and links for the Casio VL-1.
VZ-1 - EZ-VZ
Archive of a site with documentation, software and patches for VZ series synths. Some files are still available.
VZ-1 - Easy-VeeZee Chat
Archive of a forum for users of the VZ series synths. You can't post new messages here anymore but you can read past messages.
WK-3000 Keyboard
Archive of a site that provided info and resources for WK-3000 users.
WK-3000 - Klaus' Page
Files to download for the WK-3000.
XW-P1 Harmony Central
Forum thread where Craig Anderton and Mike Martin provide in depth information and answer questions on the XW-P1 synthesizer.