John, as you said, I have not played G70 yet..and as I have mentioned in other post, I have owned all the counter products that make up the G70.

Namely, FantomX, VK8, and DisCover5..The Fantom X is the best current workstation[I also owned a Triton Studio]..The VK organ, also the best, even competes with the new Hammond models[better than my older Korg CX-3]..and the DisCover5, with the best harmonizer[yes better than the Helicon TC unit on the Korg PA1X]..

These are the points that I base my opinions, and I have always reserved my final comments[good or bad] when I get to spend time with a G70[not a couple hours, but days]..

Believe it or not , I am open minded about all the lines...I have owned all of them..Yamaha ,Korg, Ketron...and for my personal satisfaction, I have chose to stay with my G1000[ toot, toot], until something lights my fire..

It won't be the Korg[poor design to me'] good sounds, especially organs, but sure isn't in the VK class'..

It won't be a Yamaha, worst keys of all, and majority of sounds just don't appeal to me..

Could be a Ketron, but not another SD1 for me..a better shot would be a Midjay, or a keyboard designed after a Midjay..

These are my personal opinions and based on comparisons of "all" the above boards i have owned..

John, the E70 is a great board and worth keeping[resale value???]..No where in the G1000 class[Toot, Toot!!!].