Fran: thank you for the input. I finally compared the "Axiom" and the "Oxygen" (these names!) -- slight differences. On the key feel, I could tell little difference, and since both have (the same I think) aftertouch, no biggie there. The key design on the Axiom (full white key boxes) implies a big change, but I am not convinced. Knobs and various controls almost the same, a few more complex things on the Axiom, but not needed by me. I think I'll stick with the "Oxygen 49" for a while. It should suffice. I am not using it as a substitute for my PSR9000, but as a toy in my office, for noodling and composing.

Rikki: yes, that is what Fran is saying -- the keyboard takes the place of the computer keystrokes. For both notes played and for commands. Read any good description of a "MIDI controller" and you will see how it works.

I just finished testing both with One Man Band and Jammer Live and this new KB responds very nicely, almost no latency. I have also set it up in Ableton Live and in Project5 and it appears ready to work there as well.