Originally posted by lahawk:
In other words, they may not be that good anymore. They may even be "over dubbed"

Am I wrong on my assesment? I hope I am. I hope they still have it. My opinion, they actually sing, and are still pretty good, but can't duplicate their original recording, and thus recieve a boost. I wonder how much of a boost

Well, if they're getting a 'boost' for the tv show some of them (not all ) must be getting a 'boost' for other concerts as well ... I have attended a couple of "oldies" shows and have been surprised at how good 'some' of the groups are ... Of course they are not all the original members ...
I heard Johnny Maestro (The Brooklyn Bridge and The Crests) and I actually thought his voice sounded better - fuller, richer, (much the same as I thought of Paul Anka after seeing him a few weeks ago) .. On the other hand, the group 'Herb Reed and The Platters' sounded terrible, with Herb having his bass voice boom over everyone else, and a lead singer who must have had poor Tony Williams turning in his grave ...

It's all fun, though, and it's what some (many???) of us grew up on ...

[This message has been edited by tony mads usa (edited 08-23-2006).]

[This message has been edited by tony mads usa (edited 08-23-2006).]
t. cool