Yahoo!!!!!!!!!! I mean Yipeeeeee!!!!!!! Thanks for posting the update Steve. Since Yamaha Music Division is located in Buena Park, CA. hopefully you guys will see fit to abundantly supply the retail stores in So. Calif. "which is a hotbed for the Arranger market I might add" with Tyros's. Two or three at each of the GC's in the San Diego area would be nice And George would appreciate at least 5 or 6 I'm sure George if the GC's get skunked here where I live I will drive up to your store (seeing they don't do the same to you too) "Come on Yammie be nice to George, Pleasseeee. How bout pretty please with sugar on top"

I have to get your address George so I can make a map on my computer and print it out to take with me. I'll do a search on the BBS to see if I can find it that way. I hope your open on Saturday?

Best regards to all,

PS: Although purchasing one is still up in the air I want sit down and give it a good working over, ask questions, compare, weigh the pros and cons then decide if the upgrade from my PSR 2000 to the Tyros is worth it.