Andy is my Best Bud.Blue Collie/Chocolate Lab cross.

Goes everywhere except my gigs. Loves to ride in the truck.
Loves to run and swim at the beach.
We got him from a shelter when he was 11 months old. He had been abused by some kids on an indian reserve chasing him with dirt bikes and taking shots at him with pellet guns.
Makes you wonder sometimes what makes some people tick.
Andy is going to be 3 in November. Still has a lot on puppy in him. Man he loves to play. When we first brought him home, he was understandably a little apprehensive, so we just kept the veranda door open to the outside, and every few minutes he's stick his head in to check us out, we didn't want to rush him into trying to accept us. Long story short, after about three hours of this he must have finally realized that we weren't going to hurt him, he wandered in, and laid down at my feet. That night he slept beside us on a bed we made for him in our bedroom. He fit right into our lives beautifully. Every day, he walks up to the mailbox with me, and carries the mail home, we try to get as much play time with him every day as possible. Cathy & I lucked out when Andy came into our lives.


[This message has been edited by shboom (edited 05-05-2005).]