The Roland approach to sound banks is to include all the previous sounds along with the new and improved versions of the SAME sounds! Not such a terrible idea, but slightly misleading if you think you're setting a massive arsenal of different tones.

In reality - you can divide that total number by 3, because they give you the original "sound canvas" tone bank, the "G1000" sound bank, and the new "VA series" sound bank all included. Many improvements are noticeable, but some are quite the same. It's an easy way to "load up" on sounds without loosing any old users. If you have sequences recorded on an older Roland GM instrument - the new ones play back just fine.

It's like Baskin Robbins ...... anyone ever had ALL 31 flavors ?
And how 'bout Heinz ........... 57 varieties of Katsup ???? C'Mon ! It's all tomatoes!
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