Originally posted by silva:
Hi Alex K,
I presume you don´t have a PA1X, right? You must play it in a deep away, not superficial and understand the keyboard first. After that you can speeak according to your sensibility. In this case yóu have no right.
I have every right to post my opinion. I did not misrepresent myself, stating that my opinions are based my experiences trying it at the stores (for a total of probably 10 hours by now) and reading the specs which Korg has provided to us. I resent anyone telling me that I have no right to voice my opinion.
As far the facts about PA1X go, I do not dispute that it has a long and complex set of features (some would call it being too complicated, but I won't dwell on it

). I take issue with the undeniable fact that PA1X has ONLY 62 VOICES OF POLYPHONY

- no matter how "deeply" you play it, it will not increase this number. The fact that Korg can offer such a handicapped instrument for $3600 is sheer insolence on their part.
I am not saying that it is a bad machine, and I commend Korg on trying to make things right by coming out with software updates late in the lifecycle of this instrument. However, I believe that those who do not question the obvious shotcomings are doing everyone a disservice.