Wow. Scott
what a difference a day makes (good title for a song! I'll think of a melody

I have listened again to your Corcovado and found it superb (believe me I don't give praise lightly).
Another tip I have for others to listen to your songs now is to set the Windows Media Player Version 9 to an EQ setting of 'mid' on all settings. Look at the bottom of the page which shows the Player and when you bring up the EQ display, choose the bottom one of the selections and bring them all to zero.
I wonder, by the way how many of us forget about the individual settings we can make for ALL the music we hear using these EQ mods. I have been guilty myself in the past of judging songs as being too this or too that, without adjusting my own EQ' s on playback.
Incidentaly I also am lucky to have the SoundForge Audio Pro9 and use it myself now. I must get round to re-EQ'ing the songs already on my website

Thanks for the link which was really worth the connection.
Eddie from Rotherham