I do the same thing, John, but I use either my DAW or a ZoomH4 to capture it to audio afterwards...

For as much as these built-in audio recorders add to the cost and complexity of modern arrangers, I don't find their stripped down features of much use. For recording live, for example, an external recorder offers FAR more choice as to what or where you record (keyboard, mixer, mixer with live mikes mixed in, out in the crowd, etc.), and whether you use outboard compression or internal gain limiting, etc.

Plus, I believe that most internal recorders still only do 16/44 as a maximum, and 24 bit recordings allow for MUCH better post production (compression, eq, limiting, etc.) which you HAVE to do to get them up to modern volume levels...

I think the whole point of my feature suggestion was to provide more than just a simple skip-back listen to our doodling... There are a myriad of things you can do with MIDI that are impossible in audio...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!