I have no need for 20 Waltzes, Polkas etc. I have no need for Dance, Rave and such.

I agree with Scott and all the other Jazz comments here.

I'd like to be able to down-load or get a disk or two or three with the stuff I like. I can go some Country. But I enjoy the old time Rock and Roll more than Country.
Mostly I want Jazz Combo for Ballads, Swing for tunes like "All the things you are". Sinatra stuff and such.

I think every thing should come on a disk or CD to be loaded by each individual. As you can see most here dissagree on what styles to put on any arranger.

Chris is there a problem with putting the styles on a disk? If not, what is the hold up? Please tell! What the problem would be if there is such a problem and then we will quit asking.
I'm not prejudiced, I hate everybody!! Ha ha! My Sister-In-Law had this tee shirt. She was a riot!!!