Hi Chris,
First of all I would like to thank you for the Invitation to the private showing of the Genesys, It was a great event, and Otmaro was amazing on the Mega.
I want to congradulate General Music on the fine production line they presented this year. I think the Genesys tops every arranger out there with the exception of the key structure , which General music is working on.
The flash memory is great to have for the styles, that you decide what to put in your keyboard. All unwanted styles can stay out or on stand buy.
I also like the idea of random choice of fills intros, and endings..
Chris, again great job on putting a nice keaboard together, swivel speakers would be nice, and I am sure you got what you asked for so far..


[This message has been edited by George Pchakjian (edited 02-06-2002).]

[This message has been edited by George Pchakjian (edited 02-06-2002).]
