I'd have to ask Joe because I haven't tried this yet, but... you could convert the patches for the styles in his software to correspond to your Trinity and I think... you can save those changes. The hardest thing about doing that or even the way I do it in Style Updater is that each instrument track for each variation has it's own set of patch and controller instructions. For an 8 voice style with up to 15 variations counting fill ins, endings, intros, etc.. well.. when ya do the math it works out to 120 changes and of course without the shortcuts Michael's program gives me, if I have to rewrite each CC and patch into the file = 360. Whew... I can actually convert all the patches in a style in his program in a mater of 2 or 3 minutes.
Hmm... I wonder if there is a way to add a "freeze" function that would allow me change the patches once and then the software would ignore any further CC0, CC32, and patch messages ? What do you think about this idea Joe ?
Of course I can do this now with the Motif and the PA80 from within their own Operating systems, but not every software synth allows for this. The "lowly" Casio MZ2000 had a function that let me call up or recall any instrument / mixer setup I wanted, no matter what the style. I could also switch styles and use the freeze function on it to keep the instruments the same.