What are you guys talking about?
This was the lamest nr.1 team ever since. A false penalty against Australia. Weak against Ghana. A lame (!) case against the german player Frings who just defended himself. And a final that showed a disappointing team against france. With a guy who couldnīt stop insulting Zidane in the worst way. Italy could have been a worthy Nr. 1 - but they were stumbling from one game to the next - very lucky and proven unfair. I have no respect for such a "winner". I have no sympathies for Zidane acting that way. You know why? Because the guys reaction proved that it pays to insult, simulate, nag, foul. This was something that was discussed as well by the international press - except in Italy may be. Some italian polticians are seriously considering an amnesty in the pending italian soccer scandal now. I canīt believe it. Am I just another angry German whow canīt get over the half final. Nope. Nr. 3 was fine and it was a pleasant game. Which cannot be said about the final, where they should have disnmissed the italian guy as well from the green.