what a crock of sh*t....this thread is just one big pissing contest between you all...for f*cks sake getting comments from some like ..."I wont play midifiles or mp3 files coz that means im not a musician"...what do you think you are playing when you play the arranger keyboards??? MIDI FILES.... pre-recorded patterns of MIDI FILES...look at MOST topline bands (yes full bands) that are touring, say with Madonna or whoever else...they ALL use midi/mp3/wav files in their shows....geez, two/three piece bands out here are a dime a dozen, ALL use MIDI backing tracks, they may be comprised of gtr bass and brass and have drums/bass/ keys in the midi and play the rest live, or keys drums and gtr and have the bass/other in the midi file...thats just one example....From this thread we are to assume that if you are playing full keyboard/synths/organs or playing your guitar/bass or a drummer and using midi files/arranger patterns for the other compnents of the music you are NOT a musician....PLEASE give me a break!!!! you blokes really need to get a grip.