Hello All
In the old days when the number of styles available were limited, all professional players tended to write there own for there performances, however these days with style converters and the number of styles available (Probably at least half a dozen for every song that has been written) very few people need to write there own from scratch, which is why if you purchase books on style creation (Those that are still in print) they are normally older books.
In the future you will probably find that all boards will be able to play all different manufactures styles without conversion.
If you do not think this will happen, then please remember that Wersi’s new Open Art Arranger software update, can play all Yamaha styles without conversion, and I believe they are also in discussion with other manufactures
Enjoy whatever you play

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).