I have recently acquired a Solton X1 Oriental. I am generally very pleased with the whole system but I have a few questions about things I cannot figure out from the manual.
I hope someone in this vibrant community can help me.
1) Whenever I activate a registration from the ones already preconfigured on the X1, I would like for the following settings to be on:
-After Touch
-Key Stop
I know I can save these setting for each registration but is there a way to set them globally so that I don't have to go to each Registration and change/save it individually?
2)There are three buttons for Bass: "Manual", "To Lowest", "To Root".
I can activate the "Manual" and the "To Root" but I do not seem to be able to activate the "To Lowest".
Does anyone know under which circumstances the "To Lowest" is made active?
3) My old Technics (KN1000) had a "Dynamic Accompaniment" button which, when set, would produce some random automatic variation/fill-in when detecting some sudden speed/note changes on the right hand. Is there any similar function of the X1 or an easy way to program it.
4) When I try to load a new pattern, I get the message that the memory is full even though many pattern areas are empty. I guess that this is due to the fact that the Oriental patterns are already loaded at startup.
Is there a way of unloading them (or not loading them at startup) and save them to the hard drive or flash card so that I can make space for other patterns?
Thank you very much for your help.