Originally posted by Bluebird:
and what about styles? People say yamaha styles are simple, canned and mechanic. What about 2600 styles.

And, what about sequencer, and the possibility to make and edit styles? Is similar in both kbs?.

Is yamaya live grand piano voice better than best piano voice on 2600?


To answer your questions 'in order'

1. The KN2600 Styles are very lively and dynamic in their sound and realism. It is probably a toss up depending on what suits you. My advice is try and find Demos of the KN2600 on the Net or play it in person to make a final opinion.

2. I didn't have a chance to try out the KN2600's Sequencer but from what I've read on the Net it is similar to the PSR 2100, ie., 16 track, simple record mode, step recording mode, etc. On a side note: The PPQ timing resolution on the KN2600 is only 92PPQ. The PSR 2100's PPQ is 1920 'Parts Per Quarter Note' timing resolution which is a huge difference. They say anything less than 480PPQ is not Professional in rating.

The editing ability of the Styles and sounds on the KN2600 is much greater than it is on the PSR 2100 from what I understand.

3. Yes IMO. But you may like the KN2600's Grand Piano voice better. They're both pretty decent.

Best regards,

[This message has been edited by Idatrod (edited 10-05-2003).]