Good suggestions, keep 'em coming..

Scott, I agree that having a manufacturer respond to your requests is VERY gratifying, and just one more example of WHY it so important to keep voicing your needs and wants publicly, even repetitively (they probably didn't implement your request the FIRST time you asked, did they? ).

Despite what the naysayers say, you CAN influence a manufacturer's R&D and future OSs and products, but only if you get involved, and make a bit of noise.

Donny, that feature (LH Bass, RH three note chord recognition) has been a Roland feature for years... It works well the other way around, too - comp or play lines in the LH, and only trigger chords when you play three notes or more. I use it all the time...

But once again, I'd like to remind all here, I started this thread to get ideas about what are our favorite features on our CURRENT arranger, not past models, just so our manufacturer doesn't drop them because they are unaware we LOVE them...!

Getting them to bring back OLD features, well, you know what they'll say about you if you go down THAT path...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!