Originally posted by keybG:
One think i can't understand. How come yamaha passed from psr 9000 to tyros 2 and Roland from g 800- g 1000 to G70 and still korg's selling the same unit after 6 years!!!
Ok, tyros is the dream board, new tecnology...everything, but immagine that. A product still on the market and fresh enought for everyone.
What will be next from KORG? This is my BIG question!!!!!!!!

Korg's R and D dept is not into arranger market.if they were they could have improved long time complaints about fills,over orchestration.
they will have arranger with current workstation soundboard (triton x treme)within 2 yrs.hopefully they'll get to mid arranger market with good features -PCMCIA or usb to device/VH arround 1500$ to beat yam 3XXX and mid rolands(e 50-60)

greatsound compared to roland,yams
good 2nd hand market(their wkstation sound also attracts potential buyers who play in bands(i3 to pa1x)

too slow to act(yam is starting to do the samething after 3k was a hit-every 3 yrs?),Korg should act quickly like roland after failed EXRs(no style record,2 variations,yet expensive).

In some vids playing pa80-did you notice that the player didnt trigger the fills at all-since most fills need major adjustments.

If Korg comes up with good OS,features that attract real gigging arranger players(weight etc)it will outsell Yams.KORG is like japanese Ketron.

[This message has been edited by jamman (edited 06-20-2006).]