This one's a little off topic but... here's a piece of song lyric trivial trite that I never understood:

One song I perform which is always extremely popular with the crowd is the classic Van Morrison tune "Brown Eyed Girl". I love performing this tune with vocalizer & audience participation, but I never could figure out the line:

What ever happened, Tuesday's so slow

I always prefer to sing it as:

What ever happened to: 'days so slow'

This just makes more lyrical sense to me. The song is about reminiscing over your coming of age innocence days (first love). I realize that the orginal lyrics talk about Tuesday, but is there something special about that day of the week which makes it particularly slow? I lprefer to use the word 'days' instead, because it encompasses that complete time period, not just Tuesdays. Interested in hearing other people's take on this. Maybe I can be enlightened. - Scott

[This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 02-06-2002).]