Big welcome aboard. The tyros will probably be replaced with the tyros 2 in a few months, and its possible that everyone will be switching. Buying a keyboard is 100% based on what you intend to do with it, but if you're just getting started, and not sure of your future, you have the growing/learning thing to contend with. I don't know what you're about but trying to read between the lines, I'll attempt a suggestion, go for the 3000 and get a Logitech z5500 sound system, should be around $1850.00 This will take you to professional level no problems, and give you a chance to learn about all the new stuff that's coming in the near future.
Say to Dad and your uncle, that you want to keep the cost as low as possible since they're being so generious, so have picked the less expensive system. And when you blow them away with the sound, they may be very impressed with you, and willing to help in the future, If you don't become rich and famous overnight! LOL OR (lots of Luck). Anyway you go if it's Yamaha, you'll enjoy it I'm sure, If you're like most of us, we seem to dream, (THERE'S ALWAYS ANOTHER THAT MIGHT BE BETTER, I WISHED I'D GOT THAT ONE)
