After doing a lot of research on the net I kind of narrowed my search down to Mackie HR824 and KRK V8. So, I went to my local guitar center and checked them out. Mackie seems to have a deeper low end which sounded really nice, they also look a lot better than the V8. The KRK V8 have less lower end but MIDs sound awesome. God, I still can't decide which one to get!!

Do you guys think that adding a sub helps with the monitoring? or is it only needed for 5.1 surround mixing? I was thinking may be I can buy the V8 and later on add a sub. or should I go with the Mackie. Any ideas?

BTW, the lowest price I have found for HR824 is $1198 and for $1049 fr V8. Do you know where I can get these any cheaper?