a friend of mine who is a much more skilled and trained
kb player than i often sits in on my gigs, and i love him to
play for any singers sitting in, so i get a chance to blow
some sax. recently he has started to ask me how to use
the transpose button, something he never used before.
it seems when a singer calls a tune in a key he is not
accustomed to playing that tune in, he sees the wisdom
of just using the transpose key instead of straining his
brain and his chops to figure out how to do it in another
key. i see nothing wrong with that, in fact i applaud his
open-mindedness and lack of false ego about it.
also re the sections of tunes that don't stay in the key:
it's easier to learn to do that than to learn a full 12-key
technique for every tune. again, i don't knock the benefits
of doing it the traditional way..i wish i could..but i feel
i'm trading off for other benefits. tradeoffs are personal.
Miami Mo