Originally posted by BEBOP:
Here is my viewpoint on the Tyros 2.
I still had 4 of the technics top end boards. I bought a Yam PSR9000 and could never get my head into the operating system as a result of constantly playing the technics. I finally gave it up and it still just sits.
I bought the Tyros 2 sight unseen and got one of the very first delivered in the USA the 1st of November last year. I decided not to play the technics boards while trying to learn the tyros OS. I never had any problem then and the tyros is the only board that has been turned on in here since it got here.
I just sold three of the technics top end keyboards and have become a total Yamaha convert.
That's the view from my place,
I am sure you will really enjoy the tyros 2 as you get further into it.
Best regards,

BeBop ... would you have made the switch if technics were still making kbs into the future?
t. cool