Here's what I'm saying:

Sometimes, while recording accompaniment, I'll start a song with, say: bass, piano, and drums. Then let's say at the bridge of the song, I want all those to stop momentarily for a short string section accompaniment. Then after the bridge is over, I want the bass, piano, and drums to resume.

Well, the 740 won't let me. The bass and piano, once started and stopped, cannot be restarted again later in the arrangement without erasing what came before. And the drums are even worse -- if you want them at all, they have to play throughout THE ENTIRE SONG.

I'm beginning to think I'll have to resign myself to the task of muting certain instruments when it comes time to record the songs onto tape. It's just a shame, because that means I'll never be able to hit "play" on the keyboard and hear the arrangement all the way through the way I intended it without muting and unmuting instruments throughout playback.

What a hassle, and in this respect the 510 was worlds better than the 740.