I'm sorry for stating the wrong color of the screen of Genesys. I was called it white when it is a slight blue color. I agree with the majority of you who have played and use the Genesys. It is just as much a live arranger keyboard as any I sell. The weight is an issue for many customers coming into my store and what kind of a case they will get to put it in. I said this in my post yesterday, both the Tyros and the Genesys are like choosing a BMW or a Mercedes. Both are great sounding keyboards.
I would also like to mention that thanks to the boys at Generalmusic, I now have the middle eastern arabic and iranian styles and sounds for the Genesys keyboard at my store. For musicians needing these kinds of styles and sounds, Genesys has them!
George Kaye
Kaye's Music Scene
Reseda, California
George Kaye
Kaye's Music Scene (Closed after 51 years)
West Hills, California
(Retired 2021)