I hope I'm understanding you properly, but I THINK I've got it. If you're transferring sequences INTO the Korg from an outside PC, it should be fairly easy to simply type in the bank & program number changes as you assemble your tracks. As you can choose INTernal, EXTernal or ALL for triggering sounds per track in the Korg itself, decent software should also allow you to change that aspect of the track in the same way that you'd change programs proper. That way, you can choose from internal banks A & B at will or assign the track to an outboard unit, allowing you access to whatever you like, WHENever you like. You can do this ahead of time and set them up as sys-ex headers or specific controller messages in your PC, or go back and insert your controller messages by hand in OVDB (overdub) mode while the track plays. The latter may be more of a hassle, but I like the immediacy of it for MY purposes. If I've missed something here, respond and let's fine-tune it. Everyone misses something here & there and I'm sure no exception! Good luck.