Like anywhere it depends on the place but anywhere from $3-4 to special brands at $6-8. Some clubs have cover ($5-20) but most have miragted to free and jacking the drink and food prices a bit to try to get folks in the seats. The real problem is a lack of clubs supporting live Classic Rock, Blues and Country.
There was a place called 'Lewer's St.' and then Outrigger did a hugh construction project that is due to be done late next year... on that St. were 3-4 clubs that had A) a place big enough and then B) have ClasRocBluCty music. Additionally there are the many clubs that have Jazz, reggae and hawaiian OR worse yet DJ's and Karaoke is also popular. (Why is it anyone and everyone thinks they can sing well?) And yes there are the late hours but there's nothing quite like havin an audience in your palm and/or packed and jammin on da dance floor!

Its a great feeling when someone comes up at the end of the night sweat dripping from their brow gives me a nice big tip and sex "man dat was fun!".
Ya know?
So my real problem is perhaps like you I'm addicted to performing and would do it for free... but don't tell them that!

And to be fair I have met some truly incrediable people who truly are 'Aloha' so that makes the disappointments worthwhile. (With this latest shaft from a club I felt like that guy in Animal House who looking at his wrecked car is told "Face it Bluto you F&^%ed up... you trusted us!")
Yes the cost of living is about 40% more than the bay area of Cali. but I got tired of not being able to swim in the ocean! And the sunsets are spectacular.
But who knows maybe someday soon.... We'll have the first annual (ok 2nd as Tony down Mexico way is first!

SZ Jam in Hawaii at my new club which will have every kind of music OTHER than reggae and hawaiian. Just a little grass shake somewhere by a bay where we'll play great tunes and dance the night away under clear hawaiian skies... damn that sounds like a song right there!
Happy holidaze