Scott...while going out on your own is initially, a little frightening, it can be extremely rewarding.
10 years ago, I had to resign from a job I had held for 30 years with a large electrical manufacturer. The location of my department had changed from Kentucky to Chicago. I had in-laws with Alzheimers and Parkinsons and was the primary caregiver.
Luckily, I had been playing full-time, teaching part-time and had developed a list of communications clients I worked for on a part-time basis.
Now, my son works with me. We have a staff of 4 and do work for companies around the world.
You'll do fine, and controlling your own future helps devlop a sense of satisfaction with each completed project.
The web is a great business tool. We get work from all around the world. I have done many jobs for companies and people I'll never meet.
Best of'll have a ball!