Hi Diki,
I think it ended up with sort of a cult following. I bought my first one back in 1988, then kept upgrading.
I had the Kn800,kn2000,3000,5000 ,7000.
I also owned the module version of the kn2000, & was probably the only person that bought the one & only Synthesizer they produced in the mid 90's ( model name escapes me at the moment W???)

They were a good solid keyboard, easy to use, sounded great. You didn't require a computer if you wanted to edit styles. They even came with their own Style Conversion disk so one didn't require EMC for a pc, you could do it in the KN itself.
KN7000, I think they were he first ones to use a memory card ( sd). The Kn7 could actually be used as an audio soundcard .
The pianist chord recognition was brilliant.
Luved the styles.
They just had very innovative ideas.
It was the end of an era when they closed down.
Actually forgot to mention my favourite function. The KN7 Pads.
They actually stayed in sync no matter when you hit them. Psr pads do some sort of a catch up if you hit them at the wrong time. Technics were brilliant. 2 intruments per pad so you could have bass & piano rythm going or whatever you liked ,sort of a mini style if you added drums from one of the styles. Also pads 5 & 6 had a chord progression, so you could take a break & the pad would do a solo.

Dikki , wish you hadn't brought up this topic, memory lane is making me melancholy again ( haa haa)
best wishes
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Diki:

[This message has been edited by rikkisbears (edited 05-08-2007).]
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022