If you follow this thread I'll let you know what the problem is with the guitar.
I recorded style 16beat (Ballad section) with the onboard sequencer of the PSR3K.
The style uses for Phrase 1 (Midichannel 15) the MutedGuitar sound. However when recorded in the sequencer it uses on Midichannel 15 the Cool! ElecGtr instead.
Checking the Datasheet, the difference between these two guitars is de LSB, so
Cool!ElecGtr= 0 114 29
MutedGuitar = 0 112 29
So the LSB is not recorded somehow. 29 is correct and it is in the MIDI-data, but I cannot find the values of MSB and LSB in the songeditor.
Keeping you posted on the issues of wrong instrument and the other issue I haven't looked at yet: the vanished reverb.

[This message has been edited by drdalet (edited 10-14-2004).]