I addressed the vocalizer and several other OS issues when I brought the board in. I don't know if the chips are in for the updated OS, but the point was to have my concerns documented before the 90 day expiration and then they could be addressed when the chips do arrive. After all of this stuff with a simple mechanical disc drive malfunction, it is very unlikely that my board will have an updated OS installed when it is returned, necessitating another trip to the repair shop for THAT... The saga never seems to end with this board. After my experiences with this and waiting almost a year for the PA80 to have a complete OS, my straategy is going to have to change now that I'm back into the performing end of this business. From now on I'm not purchasing the " latest and greatest " until the kinks have been worked out of them. If I ever get the 2000 squared away it's gonna be a good board for performing, along with the finally completed PA80, so I'll just hang on to them until the next generation has all of the bugs and problems ironed out, because it seems to me that a lot of new boards are released like " beta " versions, where the consumer helps the manufacturer test the thing so that the bugs can be ironed out AFTER he / she purchases it. That isn't gonna work for me when I have to depend on a board for live play.

Korg AJ