Squeak, though I realize he's been recovering from a stroke he suffered a year ago, I'm none the less, in a terrible state of SHOCK!

Luther ranks as one of my favorite 'all time' male vocalists as well.
Growing up to Luther's beautiful 80's-90's R&B sound, I was lucky to catch him live in concert a few years back. A truly memorable show. He was not only a fantastic singer & performer, but someone who exudes warmth & kindness as well. If you didn't have a chance to see him live, I highly purchasing one of his in concert DVDs, like: Always & Forever. Fantastic performance as well as great backstage rehearsal footage: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/det...&s=dvd&n=507846

Luther will be greatly missed, but he will live on forever as he has left us beautiful music to cherish for generations to come.
