Originally posted by George Kaye:
Here in the USA, Yamaha is offering the Tyros2 at a retail price of $4095.00. The official map price is $3495.00.

The price a dealer will charge might be more or less then these prices

Hmmmm interesting. I would have thought, to prevent dealers from price gouging, that manufacturers set the retail 'list price' as the 'highest amount' possible their product can be sold for.

That said, I feel people who end up paying anything remotely CLOSE to either of the above prices is definitely buying from the WRONG dealer. My recommendation: first call the internet & chain music dealers (Musician's Buy, Music123, etc) and get their BEST 'over the phone' price. Then call DanO and/or GeorgeK. Base your dealer purchase decision on this, plus: product refund/exchange policy, extended(?) warranty coverage, shipping expense, taxes, etc. - Scott