Dom you are missing the point and i am afraid this has been your problem all along. You are marketing this keyboard to the wrong market. I am an arranger keyboard player. This particular discussion board is an arranger discussion board. The things i have asked you to demonstrate are the things that any arranger keyboard player would require in a standard aranger keyboard. Your selling point with the MS is its ability to incorporate differnt sounds from diferent manaufacturers. Thats fantastic and i welcome that. But i want it to work in an ARRANGER KEYBOARD IN A WAY HAT ARRANGER KEYBOARD PLAYERS USE THEIR INSTRUMENT.

If you want to sell the keyboard to an arranger market then you simply have to incororate the points that i have raised. I have already told yo that your instrument in its current form could work well in a studio setting as the problems that i have highlighted may not be critical in that setting but they definately are critical in a live setting for a one man band /arranger player.

Stop being so defensive when you get POSITIVE FEEDBACK. I am not trying to put down the MS or yourself. I am constructively pointing to what areas must be improved if you want to break into the aranger market in a big way. For your own sake if you continue to market the keyboard without listening to th feedback you will continue to struggle with sales in the arranger market and worse, you will damage your credibility when people invest their money and realise the instrument does not do well what it was marketed as being able to do well !
"I don't think that 0.5 sec latency from switching engine VST/GIGA is a tragedy, when you start with one song I think you dont have to change the instruments 10/20 times.
Just look all the others Mp3 demos made with the other key, they switch the sounds max 2/3 times in ONE song/style.
Is a compromise, you want the all power and the best GIGA/VST sounds BUT you dont want have the delay, this is impossible and you know well, just read the oper topic about the softsynth. Bosendorfer 290 is 1900 Mb, do you want have it READY in 0.1 sec??"

Dom this is an example of the problem that i said about you not getting the right feedback from aranger players. If i switch sounds in one performance 2-3 times i cannot afford for your latencey issues to spoil the audience enjoyment in that one song !
"You told me to shown working the Kontakt and under MS is working. Of course Kontakt is NOT integratd in the MS OS and this mean that forever I have to use the Kontakt interface for loading manually the all instruments and setup every time.
How i told before, kontakt is not the best system for the styles/midifiles, because we have always to Pre loading a new sounds setups and waiting time"

Then dont you think that this limitation will impact upon the appeal of using all those wonderful sounds to an aranger keyboard player hat makes their living in a live play setting ? Come on dom , i am not trying to break yo down ! i am simply pointing to real issues you wil have to contend with if you wish to break into the aranger market. Dont try and tell me of because i want to use the keyboard as an arranger and it would seem that from your responses i cant unless i am happy to stick with gm sounds ! thats not the way the instrument has been marketed.....

"IF you look again in my webpage, you will see that soon we exit with the X-Kore Linux, where is possible setup and SAVE infinitly VST instrumenst and Hyperlinked in the MS button, like how we make with the GIGA sounds.
under GIGA sampler we browser the GIG file and we Insert in the MS UI, with the X-Kore we will browser the VST.DLL files and we insert in the MS UI too.
The X-Kore will AUTOMATICALLY connect the audio and midi, setup the Volume gain and other midi parameter.
with this new FREE OF CHARGE system then you are ABLE to play how many VST you like in realtime.
BUT this do NOT mean that you dont have to waiting the first RUN time for loading the File.dll.
IF in your PC you can do, then show us how you make.
Or maybe you have 1Milion GHZ DualcoreX8 CPU??"

I wasnt aware of this....thats why i simply asked the question... But if i was not the cool headed person That i am ( most of The time) your answer would really piss me off.

Last bit Dom

All i have done is ask questions as someone genuinely interested in the MS as an arRanger player. I hope you accept that i simply wish to make sure that the instrument is ready RIGHT NOW to meEt my needs right now. If you dont want to end up with more bad customer experiences like you had with Craig (which i am glad you resolved honourably) then you better make it clear to your potential customers what the MS CAN AND CANT DO IN TERMS OF ARRANGER PLAYING AS THAT IS YOUR TARGET MARKET .

I have given you as much constructive feedback as i can. Like i said at he bottom of my last post

"The more you work with us, the more we are likely to want what you produce. Make no mistake, there are no other manufacturers that have taken the opportunity to work with its target market as you have been given.Please understand and jumpall over this opportunity as it will reap rewards many times over."

but i will add that the way you handle request for more information can also destroy any hope that you have in making a positive impact on your target market.

Bet wishes worth

dont quit.......period