Originally posted by Fran Carango:
Try patching into two channels of the Roland amp..Left from the 3k into 1 channel and the right into channel 2..

I tried that and it did I have to say it did improve the sound of the Kc150. It's still not going to do it for me. I'll still keep it as a backup amp.

Meanwhile, Saturday I went to GC to purchase a Barbetta 31c. They had none and the salesguy seemed to think they were discontinued at least by GC. I wound up taking home on a trial basis a Mackie SRM450. Yea!! Good sound, but this morning I pulled my Logitech z55s and compared them side by side. I thought I was losing my mind that the 55s sounded better to me than the Mackie. I called Gary for a sanity check, he gave me his thoughts. Short story is I took back the Mackie to GC and have a Barbetta 31c on the way. Go figure who would have really thought $200 computer speakers would have the edge, at least to my liking.