thank you all so much for your well wishes. I consider you all my extended family.
My back pain really started back in August and I've exhausted chiropractic help, physical theropy and after an MRI, clearly the only way for me to go is with a microdiscectomy. A small incision with a microscope will trim the disk which is going into the nerve. I know many people who have had this surgery and feel instant relieve with very minimum discomfort from the surgery intself. I will be in the hospital Monday morning, surgery at 7AM and probably home that same afternoon or the next morning at the latest. The pain has been so bad that for the past month I can barely walk or sit down. With the Motrin I've been taking the past 4 months, I've been able to cope at work, but now, not being able to take any more Motrin 2 weeks before surgery, it's been very painful. A friend of mine just had the same surgery last week and he couldn't believe how much better he felt immediately following the surgery and he was home that night and sitting at the dining room table and taking walks outside the next day.
Thank you again for your prayers and thoughts. They help a great deal. I'm borrowing my sons laptap and I lie here in bed hearing all the sounds and smells of my wife and kids preparing Thanksgiving dinner. I feel really bad being stuck here in my bed. I hope I can make out for a few minutes later to at least have a few bites of here delicious meal. I really feel the worst for having to put my family through all of this over the past several months. It's my son John's Freshman year at college and he is home this weekend and will be running my store until he leaves on Sunday. I have my other employees steping up to the plate and helping out all they can. I really think I'll be OK to return by the end of the week and trust me........I haven't been lifting anything for months now so I'm getting used to it.
My thoughts for all of you is to have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Holiday season and to remember that this wonderful internet site has brought so many of us together.
Warmest thoughts ,
George Kaye
Kaye's Music Scene
Reseda, California
George Kaye
Kaye's Music Scene (Closed after 51 years)
West Hills, California
(Retired 2021)