Originally posted by DonM:
At a very early age, I was abducted by Aliens, cleverly disguised as gypsies. They traveled mostly by night in a caravan of old Ford Aerostars, fitted with energy systems that enabled them to run on plain tap water. This particular band of alien/gypsy itinerants raised me as one of their own until I was 14 years old. None of them used their real names as they were unpronouncable in any earthly language. Instead they each took a letter of our alphabet as their name. So, as was their custom,and since I was the 13th member of their clan, I was known simply as M. It so happened they were traveling through Mexico on the night of the anniversary of my 14th year in captivity. The alien/gypsies had come to like and trust me and they thought I was thoroughly indoctrinated into their culture. The details of the practices and rituals involved are far to lengthy to reveal here.
There was a big celebration in my honor around the campfire that night, and everyone except me became quite intoxicated. As the A/Gs (short for Alien/Gypsies) lie sleeping in their various Aerostars, I was able to slip off into the Mexican night.
I walked all night and at daybreak found myself at the gate of a huge cattle ranch.
Unable to walk much farther, I went to the front door of the main Hacienda and introduced myself to the family that owned the ranch. When I told them the story of my almost unbelievable adventure, they at once welcomed me into their family, and soon began training me in the ways of their culture and industry and raising me as one of their own.
After spending six more years working at the Ranch and saving all the pesos I could, I was totally accepted as one of them. On the day I finally decided to leave, they had a large party for me and presented me with a set of silver spurs and a large hand-embroidered sombrero. They also told me that I could for ever after use the official designation of a Mexican Don.
Since returning to the US, I have put all my past life behind me, only keeping the well-earned moniker DonM as a reminder of those times.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Godomighty, man, that's hilarious. What in the world are you smokin up there? Oh yeah, it's the truth.
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