well, after all these posts I feel like I am a little confused here.
I have had many keyboards since the first one I bought back in the early 70's.
back then what you bought was what you played.
that is no longer true. I have maybe a thousand styles that I am playing in the Tyros 2 that are the resident styles and home brew styles from every keyboard you can name. I might add that most of them sound better then the Tyros 2 resident styles. The difference then comes down to what and how the newer keyboard will do that theolder ones won't do. I have 8 keyboards still here in the studio after selling three technics and none will do what the new E 80 does. So I bought it. It probably isn't going to sound any different that what I have been playing in the Tyros 2 using the G 70 styles for the last few months. so..................?