Tony, nice looking place. Can you use a Sax man? If so, see if you can book me as a OMB on a Cruise Ship so as I can get there. Ha! Ha!
Glad to see you came out in decent shape. I'd been thru all the bad ones that hit New Orleans between 1941 and 1973. We used to go the High School where the walls were 2 or 3 foot thick. Those walls felt a lot saver then our standard 4� walled 1850 home we lived in. Also, we could run up to the 3rd floor if the Mississippi River Levee gave way. We were 6 blocks from the river from two directions. The River makes a big turn there thus, the Crescent City.
I'm not prejudiced, I hate everybody!! Ha ha! My Sister-In-Law had this tee shirt. She was a riot!!!