I picked up the G800 and brought it home. By the time I unpacked it, it was 4:00. I had to leave for my job by 5:30.
I plugged it in, turned it on and started playing with it. It has some really good styles and is easy to get around.
I will have to dig to find and set up lead sounds that I like, but so far I like the Saxs, organs and especially the piano.
I did take it to the job and played it. I read some of the owner's manual on the way, and learned how to access the mic menu.
I still haven't figured out how to set the vocal harmonizer.
I made it through the night just fine, but I was strapped for traditional CW styles, like a simple CW shuffle. It has some modern CW styles that are good though. I'm sure there are others floating around cyerspace.
Basically, just plugged in two cables from the G800 to the Bose L1, plugged the mic into the back of the keyboard and kicked it off. I used the 4 one-touch presets for my lead sounds. Most were appropriate to the style and sounded good.
I really like the sound of the vocals through it. I didn't e.q. or adjust anything. People seemed to like it.
I didn't have time to load any midi files, but I took a USB flash stick with me, and played on off it just to test it. It sounded great. Lucky I knew the words, because I couldn't find the lyrics display button on the spur of the moment.
I'm too tired to deal with it any more tonight, but I will spend several hours with it tomorrow for sure.
It sure is a lot easier to LIFT!