Hi Zuki,
reason I asked, there was a link to a fairly large style download (from a guy in France) listed on the Createasongstyle forum the other day, I got the impression the download was only available for a short time.
I actually got the download, & I'm still sorting thru & loading the styles individually as one of the guys mentioned a couple of the styles were corrupt, so I definately don't want to load complete banks.
Some of them work quite well. I'm trying to sort out the good from the bad.
I mainly use swing/bigband, ballad & latin styles, so the ones I miss , I'll slowly work my way thru converting. EMC conversion doesn't always get it right, so then I'm stuck with doing a midifile to style conversion which is rather time consuming, but if it gets me the style I want , it's worth it. My Korgs here to stay unless one of the other companies comes up with something super amazing haahaa.
If you do happen to find you're missing a particular swing/bigband style, and it's one I use, I'm happy to convert, ( that is of course unless you do your own anyway) as it doesn't worry me which order I do mine in.
If you decide to take both, they could even be midied together. The PA works beautifully as a master keyboard.
As you said, lifes short , have fun.
best wishes
Originally posted by zuki:
Hi Rikki,
Thanks for your thoughts.
Styles? I use absolutely everything. I mix it up to play any type music (except Rap/Hip Hop). My only fear is missing the SIMPLE styles that I use to do 20s/30s/40s medleys that go over so well. Those are a mix of big band, standard, slow, swing, jazz, etc. I love the simplicity of Yamaha styles and how they integrate so perfect between songs. I do a Glen Miller medley that sounds terrific with the Yamaha styles.
But I sort of know that going in. I got this board to add the harmony feature and some kick-a drums for a change. I also look forward to scats, organs, synths, song book, different piano, guitar mode and others things to discover.
Maybe I'll take both to the job - got the energy these days 
Life is short. I need to experiment and have fun. All these senior places I play make me nervous - there are hardly any men 