Hi Donny,
hopefully you didn't give up on the Korg too soon.
I ended up with quite a number of reasonable styles from various downloads on one of the sites. Mainly Swing & Bigband , but also some nice ballads.
Some of the PA1X styles also differ to the PA800& sound quite good.
I had a huge collection of Technics styles, most of which I've dumped because they didn't convert terribly well, but the one's that are left should convert reasonably well. Again fortunately for me it's mainly the bigband /swing & latin styles that I've been left with.

best wishes

Originally posted by Dnj:

I really hope your right Al....
Korg certainly is on the right track & I hope that progress continues in future Models....I will be waiting patiently this time around for the next wave of arrangers from Roland & Yamaha, Ketron & whatever else there is before I make another purchase...we'll see.

best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022