Everybody will have the full skinny on the T3 after Summer NAMM starts, which opens Friday June 20th and runs through Sunday the 22nd. Yamaha will "officially" unveil the T3 at summer NAMM and demos will follow shortly thereafter. Massive excitement and buzz will reverberate throughout the Arranger music world and those who have a Tyros2 and many with Tyros1's will start selling them in droves or trading them in for this new beast from Yammie, which will blow every other arranger product on the market out of the water with the sheer magnitude of its sound realism. Wersi owners will weep in remorse for having bought their overpriced, overrated Wersi product. Korg owners will be left with wide open mouths gaping in astonishment at what Yamaha has acheived on their latest Flagship and then left to ponder how to dump their Pa800 without losing their shirt in the process.

Ketron lovers will look on with angst and trepidation as Yamaha bursts on the scene with its new top of the line arranger, grabing the media spotlight, and a wonder to behold, as Ketron Italy fiddles slowly around with Audya in their hopes of attending yet another Musikmesse trade show in Frankfurt, Germany where the frauleins abound and the beer flows freely.

Roland arranger users (most notably G-70 owners) will stand back in amazement at what Yamaha has accomplished in a keyboard with only 61 keys with its full complement of cutting edge features (minus the 15 additional keys of course

) and will then look at their G-70's in disdain for its comprehensive 'lack' of cutting edge features for an arranger in the 21st century.

But their stubborn pride refuses to acknowledge Yamaha's superiority and the inferiority of their own product. Let me see.. did I miss anyone?

>> I'm trying to puff Yamaha up because eventually the T3 bubble may indeed burst if the T3 is under-whelming in its performance and in the sound department, and the hype proves to be what it is - just hype, with excitement about the T3 quickly fizzling out after the T3's lackadaisical initial release reveals the truth about Yammie's new flagship.
In conclusion: The T3 will either be a smash hit or a poor excuse for a $4,000 keyboard.

We will find out which theory holds up in the court of public opinion in less than a month.

PS: If anybody thinks too seriously about what I said in regards to their arranger or the company that makes your arranger - needs to get out more; but even more importantly - you need to get a sense of humor.
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 05-21-2008).]