It's quite simple, folks...
If you think that lip-synching is acceptable in a 'live' performance situation, go for it! But be prepared to make the most of what will inevitably be a VERY small window of profitability...
As soon as this becomes widely acceptable (which, thank God! is NOT the case, yet), you are no longer competing for your little jobs with other entertainers and singers in the area. You are competing with everybody and their uncle who can entertain a crowd, and lip-synch. Now, you might be saying to yourselves 'well, I'm a good entertainer, why should I worry?'...
Because, I guarantee, there are a hundred guys out there for every NH gig that could do at least as good a job as you, if only they didn't have to play or sing! And THEY all got mouths to feed and a powerful thirst, too

Do you REALLY want to have all that extra competition for the gig? Way I hear it, it's hard enough to get the gig right now, and you are only competing against other musicians..!

Do you REALLY have any idea of how hard it will become when ANYONE with even a modicum of good looks (which are not necessarily any longer our strong points!) and a personality can come into YOUR gig, lip-synch the whole show, and everyone is perfectly OK with that?

No, gentlemen, your only chance of survival is to hound these scabs unto your last breath, and make everyone involved as aware as possible just how dishonest and cheap these performers (I use that term derogatorily!) really are. They are coming for YOUR gig, if you let them.
Don't let them... It's up to you, but think this one through, and you realize just how bad things could become if there is NO skill needed at all to get the gig. Sure, entertaining is a skill, also, but I assure you, there are FAR more entertainers out there that cannot sing or play well, who will be MORE than happy to take your gig if you let them