Thing is, BBBB... A lot depends on what you want to get out of posting your music. There are some very good players and musicians on this board, and many are willing to put an honest set of ears on what you are doing, and perhaps give you some good advice either about operational aspects of your arranger use, or simply a frank opinion about the music. If it's great, trust us, we don't knock it just because it is not made on our own personal favorite keyboard (at least, not many - you'll know who those are!), if it's not, we'll try to help you make it better....

On the whole, we're pretty supportive, but also you can get some pretty good advice as to how to make things better NEXT time, if it even needs it...

So, to help you progress at the fastest rate, just putting your stuff up and letting the chips fall where they may is NOT necessarily a bad thing. You can't improve in a vacuum, and most here that MIGHT comment negatively do so with respect, and an honest desire to help you improve. You sound like someone that can take advice and criticism if it is offered in the right way...

What have you got to lose?!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!