You all get so worked up about the first letter or so of a product's designation...

The V/VA series WAS the replacement for the G-series. They changed the designation because so many new features were added it seemed appropriate. Kind of like when Yamaha dropped the PSR from their 9000 series and went with Tyros after THAT embarrassing flop

The V series was when Roland moved away from the Sound Canvas only sound set, it was the start of adding in V-Drum TD multi velocity drum samples, and samples from their TOTL WS products, and yes, just like Roland so often do, rather than build slowly (VERY slowly!) and incrementally like Yamaha do, Roland try to reinvent the wheel almost every model, and added in the 'flexible audio' features from their Varios system.
And yes, they tried to channel everything through the touch screen (but allowed MIDI hooks and FC-7 control, so it wasn't exactly cut and dried there..
But no, it wasn't a great success, and in all fairness, I think returning to the G-designation after the V/VA series wasn't a great success seems to have been a good idea. But the change of designation was just a marketing decision, as was the G series return, just as Tyros WAS the successor to the PSR 9000pro... (I don't imagine many are waiting around breathlessly for the PSR9001pro other than the return of the 76!)
[This message has been edited by Diki (edited 01-27-2009).]