Damn...! I was SO hoping to be proved a complete idiot

(or at least, several others here were!

Seriously, even though the system works kind of how I expected, I AM disappointed that they couldn't even record a simple open fifth pattern, and a diminished, which would allow sus4, open9, etc. without a complete drop out of the audio.
I guess now, the audio loop depends very much on how well the MIDI guitar samples are matched to the audio ones. I could still work, don't get me wrong. But it's a lot harder to not hear those dropouts, I suppose... At least it explains those simplistic guitar only demos. That IS all that there is

But I honestly am not happy. I really was hoping that this WAS more complex than this, and worked the way we all HOPED it would work (with audio loops at least for MOST of the main chord types). I would be MUCH happier were I proved completely wrong about the whole thing.