80% of the Live styler TCP network in now up and working, remain to link in realtimes the 8 sliders volumes, mute/unmute, BPM dial.

here is the first test with the MS+live styler and VST XG50, just loaded and played some standard Yamaha styles: http://www.lionstracs.com/demo/qranger/styles/demomsxg.mp3

for me the Vst XG50 is not the max at all, for a better sounds result need now a nice XG GIGA sounbank.
I try to configure LS for the current GM/GS Giga soundbank but then the LS remap to many sounds, if I leave set under XG mode, the sampler GM/GS not reconize some sounds at all.
Anyway, for start is a nice compromise...
Our giga soundesigner just sent by mail the new DVD 4Gb of XG Tyros sounds, we have now to create a new GIGA XG soundfonts and then we release it.
Note: all the giga sounds from our webstore are TOTALLY FOR FREE download for the ALL MS Users! They do NOT have to PAY nothing at all.
What give to pay are ONLY the LS and Elastique license when they will download the complete MS ISO CD installer 3.0

Ah...we will shipping to dennis the MS when the 64studio beginn next week release the new OS 3.1

Frank from Audiowork have ordered a MS too, then you can go there to test how the MS sounds and work.

[This message has been edited by LIONSTRACS (edited 02-20-2009).]